Navigating Bankruptcy: Protecting Yourself When a Customer Files for Bankruptcy
Thursday, June 4, 2009 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
$139 per logged on computer
When faced with a customer’s bankruptcy it is important to understand not only your rights and remedies under the bankruptcy laws, but also the potential limitations on those rights and remedies. Knowing your rights will help improve the likelihood of a meaningful recovery on your claim in the bankruptcy.
Topics that will be covered in this one hour:
1) How to timely preserve a supplier claim against a bankrupt customer.
2) How to “perfect” your supplier lien without running afoul of the bankruptcy “automatic stay.”
3) How to assess whether a supplier’s claim is entitled to full payment under bankruptcy law (as opposed to pro rata payment with other creditors).
4) The advantages and disadvantages of participating in a court appointed committee of unsecured creditors.
5) When to expect, and how to respond to, a bankruptcy trustee’s demand for return of a customer’s pre-bankruptcy payments to a supplier.
6) Before a customer files bankruptcy, what steps, if any, can be taken to reduce the odds of receiving a bankruptcy trustee demand letter (or of actually getting sued by the bankruptcy trustee) for return of customer payments.
The presenter, Annie Catmull, of Walker, Wilcox and Matousek (located in Houston, TX and Chicago, Illinois) has considerable experience in the area of corporate reorganizations, on behalf of creditors and bankrupt companies. Her nationwide practice includes the representation of creditors ranging from “mom and pop shops”, to Fortune 500 companies, to the Enron Employee Committee. She was a speaker at the NLBMDA ProSales Industry Summit in 2008 on the subject of bankruptcy and the homebuilding industry.
Bankruptcy is a federal statutory scheme set forth in Title 11 of the United States Code.
Bankruptcy cases cannot be filed in state court. As such, this webinar will contain information useful to LBM dealers across the U.S.
The webinar is being hosted by Turnkey Programming. Prior to the webinar, you’ll be contacted by them with the webinar phone number and password, as well as instructions for logging onto the website to view the webinar live.
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