Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The 3 Easiest Ways to Make More Money

By Bob JanetSales Growth Expert
Copyright Bob Janet 2009

1. Increase your customer base. Gain new customers.
You may not think that is so easy, but it is. The easiest way to gain new customers is to sell to those already in the market, those already buying the products and services you sell. If they are not buying them from you they are buying them from your competition. All you have to do is take customers away from your competition.

Go to http://www.bobjanet/, to purchase book - "How to take customers away from your competition" - 35 aggressive actions and 23 Sales Closing Techniques.

2. Increase your selling price. I have never seen a business in any industry, that is providing superior service, that can not raise their selling price 1% - 3%, or more. You do the math for your business. Take last years profits and add 1%-3% to them. I am sure you will be presently surprised.

3. Lower your marketing and selling costs.
Stop supporting media advertisers. Stop wasting your money. A good rule is,

Use word of mouth advertising. But not your fathers word of mouth advertising. You know when you hope a satisfied customer will tell someone about you and your business. Your fathers word of mouth advertising is not working anymore. Your satisfied customers have too many things to think about and do to ever make you a priority.

You must create your own word of mouth advertising. You already have the tools paid for. You already have the best and most effective means to make word of mouth advertising work. Your sales and sales support staff.

Train everyone in your business to use the 3 ft. rule. "Anyone within 3 feet of you knows who you are and how you can solve their problems, needs and wants."

Pay your people to bring in new customers and increase sales to present customers through commissions, bonuses and rewards.

I used to send my people to bars and pay for a few drinks each night. What do people do in bars besides drink? They talk about their problems, needs and wants. My people would listen for a problem, need or want we could solve by selling them one of our products and services. We gained many, many sales by aggressively creating our word of mouth advertising. When you want more information on how to use 'The 3 Easiest Ways To Make More Money' ...

1. Increasing your customer base.
2. Increasing your selling price,
3. Lower your marketing and selling costs..... contact me.

Join The Profit Club at http://www.bobjanet.com/ for FREE sales tips like this on.

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