Tuesday, June 9, 2009

News You Can Use - Running Your Business

Firing Line: Check Mate
Source: PROSALES Magazine
Publication date: June 10, 2009
By Tad Troilo

"I know my account is overdue," Rick told me on the phone before I even said hello. "But I can't pay you yet."
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because one of my customers can't pay me yet," he explained.
I asked him to follow up and let me know when he thought he could clean things up, and he told me he would call the customer who owed him money right now.
We hung up. My phone rang. It was Rick.
"I'm calling to see when you can pay me," he said.
"Why am I paying you?" I asked.
"Because your account is past due."
"I think you are confusing me with you," I told him. Read more.

New Dimensions: A Popular Dilemma
Even as you cut staff, invest in those remaining so you'll be ready for housing's recovery.

Source: PROSALES MagazinePublication date: June 10, 2009
By Mike Butts

After several recent conversations with clients and friends, I have to admit something to you: I'm a bit frightened about our future, but not because it's so hard to tell when housing construction will revive. Let me explain.

An industry friend and I recently were discussing ProSales' list of facility closings and how many of them were clients of mine and also located in my friend's region. Soon we were discussing the impact this would have on our industry as a whole. Later, I made a few other calls to suppliers, manufacturers, and other members of our supply chain. The results were astounding. Read more.

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