Welcome to Lawyerland: How to Navigate the Court System
Tuesday, October 22, 2009 at 3:00p.m. (EST)
With Annie Catmull with Walker, Wilcox and Matousek
When faced with the prospect of litigation, understanding the court system will help you control costs and improve the likelihood of a satisfactory resolution, so you can get back to business quickly.
One of the most difficult things to learn about the court system is how to navigate all of the filings and motions. The speaker will give you the basics of how to bring or defend a case.
Topics that will be covered in this one hour:
-Small claims, common pleas, and municipal courts. What are their differences?
-What to expect in Federal and State Courts and when to expect to be there.
-Going to court, whether you are allowed to represent yourself and when you are not.
-Different cases, advantages and disadvantages of litigation alternatives: mediation and arbitration.
-The minimum initial steps you should take as soon as you learn you or your company is being sued.
-Finding a reliable attorney, getting them the facts, and how to control costs – the growing trend of flat fee billing.
The presenter Annie Catmull is a lawyer with Walker, Wilcox and Matousek (located in Houston, TX and Chicago, IL). This firm focuses on complex commercial litigation, bankruptcy/recturing, and insurance coverage disputes. Her nationwide practice includes the representation of creditors ranging from large and small independent businesses to Fortune 500 companies. She was a speaker at the NLBMDA ProSales Industry Summit in 2008 on the subject of bankruptcy and the homebuilding industry.
This webinar provides you the opportunity to learn from one of the leaders in the industry without having to leave your business. No travel, no time away from the office. The price is just $139 per logged on computer. To get the most bang for your buck, gather all your managers around one computer and use a speaker phone.
The webinar is being hosted by Turnkey Programming. Prior to the webinar, you’ll be contacted by them with the webinar phone number and password, as well as instructions for logging onto the website to view the webinar live.
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