- Interested in learning more about the Advantage Computer System?
- In need of a little extra help with the program?
- In charge of inventory control?
- Looking to resolve common problems and learn “quick fixes”?
If you answered yes to any of the above, this seminar is for you!
The Advantage Computer Systems Seminar, hosted by CSA and Advantage Computer Systems, will be led in a roundtable-style discussion by Skip Engel and Gregory Cuke. Skip and Gregory have a combined 25 years of experience in all parts of the Advantage system, and are excited to answer all questions and facilitate discussions.
The best part of this seminar is that the attendees pick the discussion topics! When registering for the seminar, attendees will be asked to pick five topics to discuss. Skip and Gregory will then create an agenda and curriculum from these topics.
The cost of this seminar is $100.00 per person, and will begin promptly at 8:00a.m. and run until 4:00p.m. Lunch, breaks and materials are included in the registration fee. Accommodations at Callaway Gardens are available by calling 1.800.CALLAWAY. Rooms for October 19 (the night before the seminar) are $149.00 plus tax per night, and includes admission into the Gardens. Reservations are the responsibility of the attendee. Rooms will not be held after September 19, and reservations after this date will be taken on a space availability basis only.
CSA members can register for this seminar in three different ways!
1. Mail this registration form with payment to:Construction Suppliers Association1850 Lake Park Drive, Suite 200Smyrna, GA 30080
2. Fax this form to 770.752.9726
3. Register online at www.gocsa.com under the member log-in tab.
Space IS limited - register today!